Sometimes I have been asked "Why do you write Konnichiha, not Konnichiwa". I try to explain that reason.

"Konnichiha" can be separeted "Konnichi-ha", "Konnichi" means "Today". "ha" is a particle. When "ha" is used as a particle, it is said "wa". so "Konnichiha" is correct in text, but pronounced "Konnichiwa". I think that this is the most particular inflection in Japanese, but this inflection is more commonly used.
For example, "She is lucky" is "Kanojo ha lucky desu". This "ha" must say as "wa".
hmm, Could you understand it?
setsumei wo arigatou. (Hope I got that right :P)
But I have a better understanding now.
"setsumei wo arigatou" is more or less correct. But "setsumei arigatou" is a better passage.
I'm glad if i can help you understanding it.
Very good, thanks :)
Well that's true, however, regarding Roomaji, which is actually a way to show the pronunciation of japanese using latin letters rather than a way to show how to "write" with latin letter since Kanas+Kanjis are not latin at all.
It is not about replacing pronunciation of single hiraganas or katakanas or kanji with a certain combo consonant+vowel. It is about showing HOW to pronounce "words".
Where am i going with this?
Well You should keep in mind that.
Hello or Hi = 今日は「こんにちは」
Be careful! = 気をつけて「きをつけて」
This way = こちらへどぞ
If you agree that "Hello " should be written "Konnichiha" then you should agree that "Be careful" should be written "Ki wo tsukete" and that "This way" should be written "Kochira he dozo".
However, if you agree that "Hello " is written "Konnichiwa" then you should agree that "Be careful" should be written "Ki o tsukete" and that "This way" should be written "Kochira e dozo".
I'm totally agree with the second option because I stayed that Roomaji still been a way of pronunciation. It's just my sincerly opinion. Have a great day.
Ah so desu ka! That's very helpful, didn't know but it makes sense, cause it's written with the Hiragana は! But it is easier for foreigners!
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