Maitoshi 12gatu ni, ryukougo taishou ga happyou saremasu. Ryuukougo wo sugoku
jyouzu ni setumei siteiru peji wo mitsuke mashita .GJ. "GJ" ha nihon no slang de Good Job no kotodesu. Onnnaji youni tukaimasuka?
Every December,
The buzzwords of years have been announced in Japan.
I found a
very good site that explains for all words. GJ. "Good Job" in Japanese slang , do you use same case?
Nanode, tokuni setumei suru hituyouha nainodesu. Demo kyouha, hitotsu no kotoba wo chotto hukaku setumei shitemimasu.
I needn't explain anything special. So today, I explain a word of them more deeply.
Sakkino site ha kou setumei shite imasu.
The site explain below.
“I am one of your works” (watashi wa anata no sakuhin no hitotsu desu -
私もあなたの作品の一つです): Following the death of legendary manga artist Fujio Akatsuka on August 2, comedian and TV personality Tamori (a.k.a. Kazuyoshi Morita) delivered a eulogy, in which he said, “I am one of your multitude of works.” Akatsuka was instrumental in helping Tamori during his early years in show business.
kono bun ha takusan no watashi no shiranai kotobaga arimasu, watashi ha konnani jyozuni kakemasen.
This sentence has many words that I don't know, so I cannot write these good sentence :) .
kono bunsyou ha tadashii desu, watashi mo TV de kou kiki mashiwa "私もあなたの作品の一つです。”. romaji ni honyaku ni machigai ga arimasu "watashi wa anata no sakuhin no hitotsu desu" . tadashikuha, "watashi *mo* anata no sakuhin no hitotsu desu" desu. mo ha "Yoo too" no too to onaji imidesu. kono chigai wo setumei shimasu.
This sentence is correct, and I heard at TV "私もあなたの作品の一つです。”.
but the sentence of translated romaji "watashi wa anata no sakuhin no hitotsu desu" is wrong .
By right, "watashi *mo* anata no sakuhin no hitotsu desu"
. mo is too like "You too". I'd like to explain this change.
Fujio Akatsuka ha densetuteki na mangaka desu. kareno sakuhin ha hotondono nihonjin ga shitte imasu. mata tamori ha subete no nihonjin ga shitte iru hazudesu.
Fujio Akatsuka is legendary manga artist. Almost of Japanese know his works. And all of Japanese know Tamori.
sonnna tamori ga ittanodesu,
'm nothing more than one of your many other works".
So he said,
'm nothing more than one of your many other works".
I think so.
Motomoto, watashi ha tamori ga amari sukideha arimasen deshitaga. Demo kono supi-chi de kareheno kangaega kawarimasita.
Kareno subeteno supi-chi ha
kokoni arimasuga, nagasugirushi mutukasi sugiruto omoimasu.
Kono hanashi ni kyoumi wo mottano nara, saigono ichi bun dake yomunoga iito omoimasu. Sorega ikano bubun desu. kono bubun ga supi-chi no core desu.
In fact, I didn't like Tamori. but I changed my thought for him by this speech.
All of his speech is
here, but too long and too difficult.
If you are interested in this stroy, I suggest you read only last sentense. It's bellow. This is core of this speech.
「Watashi ha anata ni seizen osewani narinagara, hitokotomo oreiwo ittakotoga arimasen. Soreha nikushin ijyouno kankeidearu anatatono aidani, oreiwo iutokini tadayou taningyougina hunikiga tamaranakattanodesu. Anatamo onajikanngaeda toiukotowo, taninwo tuujite shirimasita. Sikasi, ima oreiwo iwasete itadakimasu. Akatuka sennsei, hontouni osewani narimashita. Arigatou gozaimashita. Watashiomo anatano ookno sakuhinno hitotsu desu.」
「私はあなたに生前お世話になりながら、一言もお礼を言ったことがありません。それは肉親以上の関係である あなたとの間に、お礼を言うときに漂う他人行儀な雰囲気がたまらなかったのです。あなたも同じ考えだということを、他人を通じて知りました。しかし、今お 礼を言わさせていただきます。赤塚先生、本当にお世話になりました。ありがとうございました。私もあなたの数多くの作品の一つです。」
atode, karega motteita kaminiha nanimo kaiteinai kotoga wakarimasita.
At a later date, we know Tamori's paper that had no words.
see you! bye.