I have two sister cats named "kaki" and "yuzu".Both of "kaki" and "yuzu" are Japanese local fruit name.I noticed that foreign people don't know these fruits.
So I'd like to write this topic.

but Yuzu is a major food for Japanese cuisine.
wikipedia(en) /wikipedia(ja)
wikipedia(en) / wikipedia(ja)
There is a Japanese idiom, "桃栗三年柿八年(もも くり 3ねん かき 8ねん)"(momo kuri3nen kaki 8nen).If I trancelate to English so directly, "The peach and the chestnut is three years, Kaki persimmon is eight years".
This mean is...
It needs take times from planting seeds to eating fruits.This time is 3 years for The peach and the chestnut.8 years for Kaki persimmon.
and this ideom has more sentense."柚子は九年で成り下がる(ゆずは 9ねんで なりさがる)"(yuzu ha 9nen de narisagaru).
This mean is ...
It is 9 years that yuzu is hanging from branches.

This mean is ...
The pear that is the chiken need for 18 years
so there are some fruits, momo(peach), kuri(chestnut), kaki(Kaki persimmon), yuzu(Yuzu), nashi(Pear).
The name of my parent's cat is "momo".
The name of my sister-in-low's doc is "kuri".
That's why my cat names are "kaki" and "yuzu".
All Right. That's all I want to write.
Indeed,why I wrote this topic?
I learned English by skype yesteday. And the teacher said "Why your cats is named kaki and yuzu?".I said, "This is a long long story...(I think I cannot explain well)", She said "...................",
so I tried to explain kaki and yuzu using the results of google search,
and tried to explain this Japanese idiom "momo kuri 3nen kaki 8nen",
and tried to explain "yuzu ha 9nen de nari sagaru",
and tried to explain the cat name of my parent's and the doc name of my sister.
and at last I tried explay why are my cat names "kaki" and "yuzu".
But I cannnot understand her.I havenot ever speak in English about a topic.Very very sad thing.But to tell the truth, my english is bad than this sad thing.
Can you understand this topic?It is first time that I write a long topic.
That's why I need laean in English.
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