Chounanto Isshini swimming school ni bus de ikimashita. Bus ha tokyo deno idousyudanto shite benri desu. Demo chikatetsuno houga benrinanode, omoni chikatetsuwo riyoushimasu. Tokyono 23kunaino ookuno busno ryoukin ha teigakudesu. Nanode, norikomutokini shiharai, orirutokiniha shiharaimasen. Genkinto suika/pasumo nadono denshi money wo tsukaukotoga dekimasu. suika to pasumo ha tokyo deha sugoku benrinanode, tokyoni kitatokiha zehi kattahouga iito omoimasu. JR ya chikatetsu no kenbaiki de kaemasu.

I and my elder son took a bus to his school of swimming. The bus is a so useful way to transport to other place at Tokyo. But mainly we use to transport by subway because of it's very useful. Inside 23 wards at Tokyo, the cost of most bus is fixed amount. So we pay for our fare when we get on, don't pay it when we get off. And we can use cash and some of electronic money that called suica and pasmo. Suica and pasmo are very useful with life in Tokyo, so you had better you buy it when you visit to Tokyo. You can buy it by ticket-vending machine of JR or Subway
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