Saturday, June 20, 2009


I went to isakaya to drink and eat with one of my co-workers. I ordered this meal that is the plate with raw liber(reba-sashi) and raw heart and raw tongue. The raw liber is very famous foods, but I had never eaten raw heart and raw tougue.
It was very tasty for him and me, but I suggest the one for only the person who like something of raw :)


Shadowfox said...


Not for me thanks 0.0

k2 said...

yes, it's raw.javascript:void(0)
very good taste for me :)

Kittn said...

Hello, I found your blog while browsing for Japanese recipes. It is very interesting and I love that you tell about Japanese cultures! When I read this post, it made me think of steak tartare. I had it at a nice restaurant in Florida once. If you have never tried it before, you may really enjoy making it sometime. Here is a recipe I found on google search: