I bought one kiloglams beef to cook beef stew. I cut beef , celery, onion, carrot and cabbage, and flyed them on frying pan, put them and water into a saucepan, and I stewed.
Then, my cat came around me, so she sit on sink, I thought she wanted to eat that, but she slept. I was wondering that why she come beside me, I know now the place was warm, so it was comfortable for her to take a nap :)

Gyunuku wo 1 kiro katte sityu wo tsukurimashita. niku to serori to tamanegi to ninjin to kyabetsu wo kitte, hurai-pan de itamete, mizu to issyoni shityu-nabe ni ire, nikomimasita.
Suruto, neko ga yatte kite, sinku no ueni suwarimasita. Tabetai nokana? to omottanodesuga, nete shimaimashita. Nande sobani kitanoka to hushigidatta nodesuga, tabun anobasyo ga atatakakatta kara desu. ohiruneni choudo yokattan desyou :)